Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Monday, Monday...

Yesterday was one of those days. The kind that finds you hitting the snooze button, feeling a bit under the weather, and wishing like crazy it wasn’t Monday morning. Regardless of my wish, the demands of life motivated me to drag my tired butt out of bed and get going. Money doesn’t make itself, and little boys don’t take themselves to school, these are facts.

One hour later, I dropped off my chatty little morning child safely at school. Hot coffee in hand, I headed for the toll road and the 30 minute commute to the office. Usually I chat with a friend on the way in (yes, recklessly talking on the phone while potentially endangering the lives of innocent people in their cars along side me. I know, I know, I shouldn't, but it’s still legal in Texas. :) This Monday morning, I just wasn’t in the mood. I listened to some music and tried to lift my spirits.

A song I’d never heard before came on, something about loving an old coffee shop and meeting someone there. For some reason, the song brought back a memory of Daniel, Grayson, and me walking to the Coffee Nut coffee shop in Buda, just a block from our house. Daniel and I are holding hands and Grayson is riding his little bike with the training wheels still on it. For just a flash I was there in that moment, feeling Daniel’s hand over mine, watching Grayson, so proud of himself on his big boy bike. It was a beautiful agonizing moment and it left me weak, crying, struggling to see the road as I drove myself into work.

So much for lifting my spirits! I needed some backup: I called my mom, cried on her shoulder, and we shared a laugh when I told her I was missing my husband and the PMS wasn’t helping the situation either. Sometimes the ability to laugh when it hurts can make all the difference. Thanks for laughing with me Mom! And the good news is: I survived. It is now Tuesday.

Happy Tuesday, I think it’s going to be a great day. - Michelle (dippel)

1 comment:

  1. May God Bless those around you that are there to hear you laugh and cry in the very same moment. Love you lady!
