Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Saturday, April 25, 2009


What is a W.S.M.? A little acronym I came up with which stands for: Widow Soul Mate

After losing Michael I had the fear of never meeting anyone else who could or would understand the pain, love, and grief that I was feeling. Luckily with my line of work, I have met many amazing people who are the epitomy of survivors. In my travels through widowhood I have met a certain few which I truly care about, one who has come to be known as my WSM.

She is on the same plain as me, that is really one of the only ways to describe it. Although we have two different stories of love and tragedy, I cannot imagine this journey without her. She doesn't question my moody days and celebrates in my happy ones. All though we are opposite in many ways we learn from each other's stories and draw strength from another wen one feels as if they can't make it through the day.

I often feel closer to Michael when around her because she puts me in check in moments when I know Michael would, and she reminds me that he loves me when I feel disconnected. I do not know how or why are paths crossed but I know the load is a tad lighter because of it.

So here's to my WSM. Thank you for all that you do.

“This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.” - Unknown


  1. Wow Taryn, that is some wish for your W.S.M. In this awful journey that we are on, I hope to find someone that will help me as well, yet I feel bad wanting that, knowing that someone will have to except this journey in order to be that person. I do know that there are many widows that I have come across that have experienced the exact same feelings and emotions that I am experiencing. I just wish this was all over. I wish, your wish, for all widows. Hugs to everyone, Lorry

  2. Oh how I wish I could meet just one widow that relates, face to face! I have "met" some on the internet through places like this but none to really form a friendship with, everyone I know is slowly fading, not wanting to perhaps worry about being the next widow and I remind them of that. I am happy for you finding a WSM and maybe someday I will also

  3. Hey Taryn... that is a good blog; you guys are very lucky to be on such a level of understanding. And b/c I know you like quotes... To your and your WSM.

    Soul-mates are people who bring out the best in you. They are not perfect but are always perfect for you. ~Author Unknown

    Love ya,
