Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Saturday, June 25, 2011


“What draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth. They share it. - C.S. Lewis

I wanted to take some time to just talk about my friends.

These past few months have been some of the most changing and challenging months since Michael was first killed. The difference though, is I now have a unwavering support system.

Michael always urged me to go out and make good girlfriends, but with my best friend being him, I never clicked with anyone, and had no issues with that. Even those that I have known since childhood, I felt I had more superficial level of a relationship with.

In the beginning, many people came in and out of my life. Besides my biological family, my husband's ghost and our dogs were the only consistent thing I could fully rely on.

Through like circumstances (widowhood), I have met the most amazing people. People that I could share my weight of life with to lessen the load, people who listened...and actually cared and remembered. People, that even when I would expect them to, never have left my side.

Just like Michael, I don't think I'll ever feel totally worthy of having such souls in my life, but I shall not argue them being here :)

Thank you. Thank you.

You have added life, love, laughter, growth adventure, a shoulder to cry on, and camaraderie into my life once more.

I could ask for no better gift in my life.


  1. I love the way you have crafted your words--you speak for me and all widows. Thank you for sharing.

    Linda Della Donna
    author of
    "A Gift of Love, A Widow's Memoir"
    ...And sometime when I wasn't looking, I got a new life.

  2. Love that quote - "sometime when I wasn't looking . . . "
    I just finished a barbecue with seven friends. I am so grateful for them. These are the people that helped me survive my husbands illness and death. Without them the world would be a very dark place.

    I am so grateful for them.
    My husband was my best friend. Nothing will take his place. He once said "I don't need friends I have you". He saw our relationship as the primary thing that made everything else second to - our deep friendship. I always worried I would die and he would be left alone. Instead he is gone and I am here so grateful for the friendships I nurtured because they are keeping me going.
    Sometimes the loneliness is unbearable but they remind me over and over to call, to visit, to email. I have learned I am loved not just as a couple but in this new life - as myself.
    I am grateful for these friendships. Thank you for the reminder.
