Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Nine More Days.....

In just 9 more days I get to see some of my favorite people on the planet! A few of them are pictured here. It seems like only yesterday I was packing my suitcase and heading home after an amazing and exhausting weekend of Camp Widow. How can a year have passed already?

I remember thinking after last year's camp that a nice break from all the preparation was surely deserved by all of us, only to hear that Barb (SSLF board member and Camp Widow registration queen) had already started on 2011 registration. I remember thinking at the time that surely she was insane, and she is, but that is beside the point. She was completely excited about the next camp and running high on the energy from 2010. I couldn't blame her for being excited, but it seemed so far off. Now it's days away and I find myself wondering where the time went.

I also wonder about who is coming. Last year's attendees were fantastic, and I'm so excited to meet everyone this year. I know we have some alumnae coming back, some even as volunteers and it's awesome to think about. We come at some points because we need the support, and at others to offer support (usually both roles in the same weekend!). I love the instant rapport that I see in campers, and the feeling of community. The whole weekend is envigorating and a source of inspiration to me. The courage that it takes to come is what inspires me. Widowed people from all over the country (the world even) coming together to share their unfortunate bond. Most come alone, they may only know other attendees from their blogs or from online communities. Still, they pack their bags, fly to San Diego and take the chance, hoping that someone there will get it and they won't feel so alone. The best part is that more than someone gets it: everyone does. We're all on this path. We all get it. It's amazing and wonderful to experience.

This is my 3rd year at Camp Widow. I can't wait to get there. See you all in 9 days!!!!!!


  1. Wish I could come. :(
    Next year I will plan ahead and make it!

  2. I am unable to come because of working full time, however I want to offer my support and gratitude to all of you who have reached out and started this site and share your personal stories. This site is a safe place to land when trying to navigate through one of most difficult experiences one can encounter. Thank you, and blessings and hope to everyone for the future.

  3. I can't believe it is so close. I can't believe I bought a ticket, made a reservation, will be flying alone for the first time ever. I am scared, nervous, and excited. It will take some serious pushing of myself to make me get on that plane. I'll admit it, I am not a great flier even when I had someone to hold my hand. But, I am going to Camp Widow because I need to do something for me. This will be the first thing I have done for myself in a year and a half.

    Late one night, three weeks after my husband died, I was sitting in the dark contemplating how to get myself out of my nightmare. I happened to turn on the computer and google something with the word widow in it. I found Michele Neff Hernandez. She had written a powerful piece about surviving the death of her husband. It was the first time I realized that I wasn't alone. That there were other people out there that had loved just as hard and deep as me and had lost. I emailed her. She emailed me back, and I found Widow's Voice. I am going to Camp Widow to thank Michele personally.

  4. i also am scared, nervous, and excited to be traveling to san diego for my 1st camp widow. it is comforting to know that i will be with like-minded people who are proactively dealing with widowhood. safe travels to all.

  5. I'm another first-time camper ... looking forward to meeting all of you there. A bit scared, a lot of nerves but truly excited to be joining hands with this amazing group. See you soon!
