Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Friday, December 30, 2011

Dodging Bullets on New Year's Eve

New Year’s Eve is my #1 most difficult holiday. More than Christmas, more than Halloween and more than Maggie’s birthday weekend (2nd weekend in December.) Saturday will mark the third without a midnight Maggie-and-Chris lip lock. It’s difficult to imagine kissing someone else on that day and at that time since her lips are the only ones I’ve kissed at that special moment since 1999. Because of tradition and love and respect, it seems like that special moment is reserved, forever and ever, just for her. But this year I was going to try it and see how it went. I’m pretty sure my intended date had no idea the significance of the place she stood because she’d have no doubt bowed out for that reason alone. But it doesn’t matter; for unrelated reasons I’m going stag…. Again.

The last two New Year’s Eves have been less than pleasant. Each time there were two gun shots right to the heart – a double tap, executioner style. The first bullet is the silence just following the “THREE! TWO! ONE!” as the group kissing-fest begins. The second is the line of sympathy hugs from friends I get right after the kissers realize “Oh, Chris, the lonely widower!” Click, click! Boom! Boom! And I’m out.

This year I was hell-bent on changing things up a bit. I was going to bring a date. (Gasp!) And I was going to kiss her right there in front of everyone right at midnight. Oh yeah. It was going to be epic. But stay with me; I had given this a lot of careful thought. Yes, I’d get some attention from those in the crowds who knew me only as half of Team Maggie-and-Chris. But my thought on all that attention is that they’d have to deal with that themselves; I can’t be held captive to other people’s emotions. Most of my brain power, however, went to pondering how I would feel. Holy cow…. The crowd. The countdown. The smell of champagne. The memories of kisses past. (A thousand tiny cuts, it seems.) Then holding not-Maggie in my arms and kissing not-Maggie’s lips. Then holding not-Maggie’s hands and (the biggie) smiling and pretending like this was the night of my life! I gotta summon poker face. Could I do it? Could I pull this off?

Here’s what I came up with after a LOT of thought: It doesn’t really matter. It doesn’t really matter if I can “pull this off” because what matters is that I try. What are the chances that I break down into a puddle of mess right in the middle of the celebration? Not huge. Not insignificant but not huge. What are the chances that I shed a silent tear and look a little pensive for a few minutes? Pretty good, actually. What are the chances my date notices? Probably also pretty good. What does it matter her reaction? A) She could be upset which tells me a lot. B) She could even make a scene which would tell me even more. C) She could rock the tender moment by squeezing my hand, smiling and letting me work through my complex emotions while giving me gentle, silent support (and maybe even running a little social interference for me while I get my game face back on.) But no matter her reaction, I win. I win because I did it! I took a huge step forward and conquered one more first - the first New Year’s Eve kiss with a not-Maggie.

But, alas, despite all my ponderings, I’m going stag. Taking not-Maggie as a date for the night-of-all-nights is not going to happen, for unrelated reasons. So here I am facing a two-shot firing squad again. But this year I’m not going to have it. I’ve made a plan. For better or worse, I’m leaving the party just prior to midnight. I really don’t want to experience that discomfort again so by the time the ball drops, I’ll hopefully be at home with my puppies drinking a beer by myself. Actually, now that I think about it, if I make it home by midnight, I’ll have plenty of kisses at midnight - stinky-breath puppy kisses. Ah, they won’t care if I cry. Suddenly, this plan just got better!


  1. Always have a plan, and maybe a backup one as well. Good for you for trying, I applaud you for going stag, I find it hard to do even that. The sympathy hugs and lonely widow looks will certainly do me in. And thoughts of everyone saying "happy new year" over and over...yes, I know it is time to move on, and yes, a new year will bring new experiences; but I still want to ring it in as I have with the one I love. It will be a new year, just not a happy one yet.

    If nothing else, our animal friends are always there for us, no matter what. May those puppy kisses sustain you for now. Thanks, Chris, for a look into your new years eve. Hope your plan works.

  2. Thanks for your post Chris..yes, we all miss the intimate moments of love and celebration we had with our mates. I choose to believe there will be more down the road, in a different form but still meaningful. For now, my puppy ,too, will be my date and I'll blow you a kiss too at midnight! Here's to hope for 2012!

  3. She'd be so damn proud of you. IS proud of you.
    If someone's husband tries to pity-kiss me I'm leaving. Maybe I'll leave before that can happen a la your plan.

  4. Spending New Year with my cat and dog. Probably talking to my friends on facebook who can't get out either.

    May 2012 bring a better year for all of us. My Widow journey is starting to climb the hills again, but there are still valley's between them. Tonight will be a valley and tomorrow a new hill to conquer.

    Happy New Year to all.

  5. This widow stuff is all new to me, but I hated the thought of Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm not looking forward to a new year without my husband at my side, but I got through the other holidays so I know I'll get throught this one too. We wouldn't have gone out anyway... to many crazies out there that think they can drive home. I'll be spending New Years with one of my daughters and her husband and 2 year old son. My grandson keeps me smiling so it's good that I'm here with them. Whatever everyone decides to do, stay safe.

  6. Happy New Year, Chris! You just never know who'll be a the party you're attending. She may make you stay past midnight...talking. Without a kiss but making new memories. I had to change up my life, hanging out with new people to avoid the double gun shots (ugh, I am much too aware of that feeling). I still hang on to new hope that a new man will come into my life so I can create new New Year's Eve memories, without forgetting the old ones!

  7. First time I will be spending new years ever alone in 36 years.
    Last year, i went to the dinner. Had the "oh, o yes" poor you alone face and the hugs too tight, too long, wrong person, not him. Wanting to run and hide.
    not doing it this year.
    Spending it alone, with the fire lit and planning the next year by reading his journal, his hope and plans and dreams> I am going to make some new ones too and carry some of his with me.
    here is to surviving 2011. Didn't think I would make it this far.

  8. This is my first without my husband. He passed on Oct 24th 2011. I plan on going to bed before midnight. Not sure if it will work. I don't do much sleeping, I am usually up most of the night. It is comforting to hear others are going through the same thing. Thanks so much for sharing.

  9. This year will be the third New Years without my husband of 42 years. My husband passed away 10:00 pm New Years Eve. He always celebrated by watching the NY ball drop at midnight and running outside to wish anyone in sight a Happy New Year. I find keeping with his traditions real comfort and sweet memories. May you find your own comfort and peace this new year......Happy New Year!

  10. This is my 2nd New Year without Dave.
    And yes, last year there was the double gun-shot to the heart.
    This year I won't be the only single female there, so hopefully it'll be a little less awkward/painful.

    This year I considered lying to friends and family who asked what my plans are. (I know that if I said, 'Nothing and I'm OK with that' - THEY wouldn't be and would pressure me to go out.) However I decided head out tomorrow evening to a small gathering anyway. There will be a few pre-teen kids there - so it will have a different vibe.

    Good for you for having a plan. And I'm sure the puppies will be glad to see you home early!

    And that's a lovely photo. Maggie was beautiful!

  11. This is my 3rd New Years without my beloved husband. I was never a big fan of New Years celebrations and now even more so, after kissing my love at midnight after 30 years I still find it too painful to be around others that are celebrating. So for me my plan again is renting some videos and going to bed way before midnight so that it's just another Saturday night and not the celebration of a another new year (which is only another painful reminder of another year without my love)

  12. This is my 3rd NYE without Dave. I like the plan of leaving a bit early. I'm hopeful for the night, but that 12:00 got it so right. Here's to everyone tonight. :)

  13. Happy new year from the land down under! I survived new years and have woke up to be rid of the holiday gloominess. I am soooo thankful for that! Cheers to your plan. Tomorrow will be an even better day than today. You will love those puppy kisses and they may even make you laugh.

  14. My wonderful husband I have been kissing on New Years since I was 17 died on October 13th. I was actually relieved when my daughter caught the flu so I had something else to focus on. My couple friends all out partying and posting pics on Facebook made me long for the last 25 years. I have never felt more lonely, but am happy to have just found this wonderful blog of people who are in the same boat as me!

  15. I feel your pain. December 31, 1999 was the date of our first kiss. It was just a little peck to ring in the new year. We didn't start dating until June of 2000. Married December 21, 2002. Babies came: September 10, 2004, October 25, 2007 and September 3, 2010. He Died January 9, 2012. Life can be so sad. I just miss him so much.

  16. If you do not have children, and friends are couples with kids and grands, and family is on another Coast,and you are a female widow of less than 2 years, and not interested yet in dating, and have horses and dogs, do you: stay home, cry, and hugs your pets, and watch Time Machine like we did for 30 years, stay home and have a party - ask folks come to you, or escape incognito to Las Vegas or Hawaii...or show up in Austrailia - the first place for New Year's and call family from there!!!

  17. i just lost my husband, im dreading xmas and new years eve, ive been thinking i have to suffer xmas with family, we all will be suffering but they all have someone to suffer with if that makes sense, but im trying to find somewhere i can go to be alone on news years eve

    1. I'm so sorry. Join us in Widowed Village where you'll find others who are facing this same issue. Our Widow's Voice blogs have moved to the Soaring Spirits website. See links below:

  18. Thanks for your post. I was glad to see I'm not the only widow who dreads New Year's eve. Old married friends usually extend an invitation earliest and that's where I'm a half-couple. Plus it's just a, "Yippee, another year by myself!" I don't mind it, I just don't want to celebrate it. So slightly different twist but you are not alone in your apprehension.

    1. Our Widow's Voice blogs have moved to the Soaring Spirits web site. You can read them daily at
