Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Friday, March 16, 2012

Mini-me (Part 3001)

It's hard to believe my little guy was only 5 when his Dad died, and he was about 3 ft, he's pushing twelve, and will be taller than me in the next year. Ridiculous how quickly time passes and how quickly they change.

I finally got to see the rest of the wedding pictures last night and I was amazed to see Daniel's teenage face looking at me from so many pictures. Grayson has been looking so much like me lately that it was shocking how much he still looks like Daniel. It's more than just the looks though, it's the spirit.

In our wedding pictures, G was glowing with excitement and overflowing with enthusiasm. From his sweet face as he walked me down the aisle to his break dancing at the reception, he was a force of happiness that was a joy to watch. I noticed it at the wedding - as much as you notice anything at your wedding - but the pictures captured it for all time.

What an amazing gift. What mom wouldn't be worried that this kind of change would be a hard one? Getting a new family, moving schools and homes, changing your's all tough. I've been worried about him since we first started talking about it (who am I kidding? I've been worried about him since he was born!). It has been fantastic to watch him adjust so well and seem so happy. What a huge load off my mind.

Now, if I can just keep him from breaking any bones in sports.....(right, good luck with that one).

Happy Friday!


  1. Happiness returning is the best part of reading this post. I believe it is possible, thank you showing us it is.

  2. Makes my heart happy! <3

  3. Michelle, this made me tear up. My son will be 12 next year, and when I ever get re-married again, he'll be walking me down the aisle. I see so much of his father in him too, and I'm kind of excited to see more of that emerge as he gets older...yet sad at the same time.

  4. Michelle,
    So happy for you and your family, my guess is Grayson is just following your lead. You have moved on and he has too. Thanks for showing us it is possible. I'm not there yet but do wish for a future with someone, someday.
