Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Saturday, May 26, 2012


This week is like one in December. One I've quite nicely entitled....Hell Week. It basically consists of days that seem to consolidate lots of loss or the reminder of what once was, into a small period of time. On May 21st, 2007, Michael was killed when a man in a field detonated 2,000 pounds of explosives directly underneath him. On May 26th, 2011, our baby, Charlie, died after his battle with cancer. On May 28th, I'll be existing during Memorial Day...a day I live every day. On June 1st, 2007, We had Michael's memorial service. On June 2nd, 2007, I spread his ashes. On June 3rd, 2011, I thought of how much I despised living on earth without two things I loved more than myself. Okay...that's hell week and a half...I always sucked at math...but besides that... These dates signify the most pivotal moments in my life. They were the last day that they had that their last inhale....their last exhale... These were the days were the last days I'd hear their voice or feel their wet tongue on my cheek... These were the days that bred many 'what ifs'...many 'could I have done things differently'...and for each...5 years and 1 year later...I still struggle with both... Some more than with others. But with each I was given the gift I never will regret. The gift to say the only things human vocabulary ever created for such beings as Charlie and Michael. "I love you"..."I'm so in love with you."..."I love you more than life itself." The pain is always there. Not to burst any bubbles. It's a dormant ache that re-surfaces in the moments we reflect on that which we have lost. But the ache is soothed by the love that withstands all things...even death. Someone once said that where we invest our love is where we invest our life. I've been given the greatest keep living for them..for myself. I miss them more than I can even try to pretend to want to know. I ache for them at random moments to the point of unstoppable tears. And yes...5 years later it is still a bit of a "Hell Week"...but I stop and I absorb, and I feel, and I release, and I feel their love. And the investment always has the greatest return.


  1. Love - the love that can withstand all things -
    My loss has made me realize the love is what keeps me going on . . .day by day.

  2. Your last sentence is the key to survive our losses. Prayers of peace to you this weekend. And I,only with millions of people, thank your husband and the rest of our military personnel for the sacrifices they make daily and have made daily to afford Americans and people of all countries of the world a safer and better place.

  3. I believe it was you Taryn, who posted last week : "life is short, love is eternal"
    We find strength in this affirmation.
    My thoughts are with you in this most difficult week.

  4. Taryn,
    My heart is reaching out to yours in this devastating time frame of life changing events. I saw this quote today on FB, "It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you. ~Author unknown".
    Your beloved Michael fought for our liberty and his life was taken. Yet he lives on in you as does precious Charlie. May your beautiful memories soothe your heart and soul.

  5. Thanks for the beautiful words. And thanks for being honest. I may be new on this journey but I know the pain will always be there. After all we vowed to love them forever and that includes the time they are no longer with us. How can that not cause an ache for the rest of our days? My thoughts are with you during this painful time.

  6. Just care and gratitude for sharing; it is a gift I gratefully accept with tears and sorrow. Thank you for giving time to relate these moments of your journey. The time in which I read your words, well in my soul the ripples gracefully move through me and if it is not quite "comfort" it is a knowing of a caring given back.

    My heart, my care goes out to you for these soul stretching days that hold you near.

  7. "It's a dormant ache that re-surfaces in the moments we reflect on that which we have lost. But the ache is soothed by the love that withstands all things...even death."
    Very true- totally describes my weekend. Sending you hugs :) Love you!
