Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Saturday, September 15, 2012


“I close my eyes, thinking that there is nothing like an embrace after an absence, nothing like fitting my face into the curve of his shoulder and filling my lungs with the scent of him.” ― Jodi Picoult
It hits sometimes out of nowhere.

The pangs of separation. The hollow feeling that drains every ounce of energy as it reminds you of the absence and presence.

Life goes on cruise control and then the engine I call my soul is reminded that I didn't get that "oil change", that time allotted to just feel and not repress those random instances that have a way of making the whole journey feel as if there may be a bit of "air out of the tire".

So where do I go to get a battery jump for the heart....iTunes movie trailers...I know...I'm demanding.
It was something I did all the time when Michael was alive (being the movie buffs we are)....and used to check new trailers each week.

It had been a while and I ended up watching this one.
Tears rolled down my face.

I always hoped all hopes that I'd see Michael was something that kept me alive in the beginning and at random instances even now...and seeing this trailer made me think "what if we always knew...if we were certain we'd be connected life after life...pre-destined...some short, some long...ohhh....what that would mean!'

And it may be.

I have no eloquent words to say other than watch it...

It's beautiful and terrifying and comforting...and basically, life in general....and maybe the future and past lives we've lived.

Ohhh...and I know in my heart of hearts we will be back together...destinies eternally intertwined.


  1. Yes. "A better world - and I'll be waiting for you there".

  2. I think we all wonder on some level how it all works once we leave this earth. I know there is a connection between Bry and I that goes beyond the mere physical. I do believe somehow, our connection was meant to be and has not ended with his death. I do believe we will be together again.
