Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Saturday, September 22, 2012



Mindfulness and being in the moment have always been things I thought I was doing/good at.


I understand the past and only take from it the things that will make my present more amazing.


I understand that focusing on the future and what others believe it should be is a waste of anyones time. It's finding our present moment and reveling in it that matters.


And yet, when challenged to just silence myself for once, I saw that it wasn't the past or future that were my enemies..but otherwise, my inability to shut my mind off and be in the now. Even in moments of peace and quiet, the little voice chatted on.


But with that realization and daily application to note these moments, many things surfaced. One stuck out most recently. You see, I've never been a fan of all the quotes saying that we must let go of our past. I assumed that meant I'd be letting go of my love...something I'll never do. But it hit me that I'll never have to let go of him and the love we share, but let go the life we had planned. 

A simple concept, but so profound when actually applied to the mind.

Living in the love we have in the now with the who I am now and the life I live the present.


  1. I have just recent read a quote that read "You have to let go of your past life in order to grab onto the future life that awaits. That's definately where we as widow struggles.

  2. I saw this recently, and it really hit home for me, perhaps it will for you also:
    "life is what we make of plan B."

  3. "But it hit me that I'll never have to let go of him and the love we share, but let go the life we had planned. "

    I distinctly remember the moment this hit me. It was in the form of a dream of my late husband. I don't know how these things work, but I think it was my own mind coming to terms with this.

    What a beautiful, poignant message...

  4. Thank you so much for this message. I struggle with this every moment of my life because my plan "A" was so wonderful. I'm glad I am not alone in thisconflict.
