Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Community Matters

All of us reading here at Widow's Voice understand that community matters. We're witness to the value of finding someone, anyone, to remind us that we are not alone. That's why most of us are here.

But this week, I've been struck by watching the rest of the world be reminded of how vital community is. Saturday morning, a friend of mine and one of the regular faces that became a part of my community after Jeremy died, got the terrible news that her husband tragically passed away. There are too many parallels to my own experience, and it's been a gut-wretching thing to watch. And now everyone who loved Amy's husband, Jim, is searching for answers. 
Searching for comfort. 
Searching for peace.
Searching for community. 

As much as I hate knowing that Amy and I now will share this tragic experience together forever, I'm thankful for the opportunity to be able to help in any way. Even if it's just by sitting with her, buying her groceries, making a 'funeral and viewings survival kit', or by telling her it's ok to grieve her own way. 

I am able to do a little bit more. Because Amy's life insurance policy was 4 months shy of the 2 years needed to cash it out, she will not be receiving the money she anticipated to pay for the costs that accrue after death (and we all know how expensive that can get!). I've decided to donate all the earnings from my blog revenue for the month of December to help ease the financial burden for her. (Read more about it HERE - you can help too, just by visiting the website as many times as you can this month).  I don't make much on my own, but it's amazing what happens when a community comes together.

I watched my Facebook feed blow up to share and donate to Amy. The response is outstanding and overwhelming. Good people are still out there, and when they hurt, we all hurt. It's a reminder that we're not supposed to walk through life alone, but in community. 

This widowed community was never something any of us wanted to be a part of. But I sure am thankful to have found it. Thank you for reminding me that community matters.

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