Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Saturday, February 23, 2013


"When we learn what it is our soul needs to learn, the path presents itself."

Over a year ago, I decided to take a new journey in my daily passion.

To create something. For myself. For others.

I decided to start laying the frame-work of what could be. I started finding those that wanted to come, nails in hand, and create it with me.

I jumped in. Day by day, getting closer to this change, this growth.

Now it's here. The dream, not just in sight, but in hand.

The funny thing, though, is that there were a million tiny and large changes...unexpected, unplanned, some unwelcome...that have made this new chapter a glorious one.

Maybe that's life.

We set these goals, these visions, these ideals of what we hope and work towards. Only to realize that it's the in-betweens, the surprises, the new friends and deeper instilled friendships, the introspection, the new-found traditions and the growth that are the real gift.

The bigger the leap, the bigger the return...just with big struggles, big transformations and big changes.

I learned that when I fell in love with Michael. When I married him. When I became his widow.

Since his death, I had just forgotten the feeling of taking the leap willingly. Taking in and absorbing the benefits of a courage you knew would pay off, no matter what obstacles came one's way.

 I remember now.

 I remember and smile...looking forward to the next leap.