Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Saturday, February 2, 2013



When the hands of time

evict the smile from the apartment building of your face.

When you get punched in the esophagus by a fist full of life


The human heart beats approximately 4,000 times per hour

And each pulse,

each throb

each palpitation is a trophy

engraved with the words

“You are still alive”

…So act like it

-Rudy Francisco

I'm sitting at a cafe, sipping pinot noir, feeling the 62 degree air whisper on my face and blow aside my hair.

A rose-bush is blooming, people are on first dates, others with their best friends, and some soaking in the sun beams that have decided to grace us with their presence.

I remember going to a cafe like this over 5 years ago, months after Michael's death. I despised that other's could laugh, love, and live with him not here.

But today is different. I am different. I allowed time to take its toll and place its blessing.

I can sit here and listen to the"trophy" that each beat of my heart gifts me with.

I can sit here and smile while acknowledging so.

I can sit here and be. And smile. And inhale all that surrounds me. And exhale with the happiness of being able to do so.

And I can say, I don't have to act like I'm still alive...but embrace it as the glorious action it is.


  1. Thank you.I needed to be reminded how lucky I am to be alive and embrace it. Most of the time I am so afraid of my future. Scared of living again. Instead of worrying about what is ahead I need to just enjoy what is now. It is a blessing to be able to look to the future and I needed to hear it. It's been three and a half years. Life is glorious isn't it.

  2. 5 years for me. What a roller coaster ride it has been! My healing journey continues and I'm always so blessed
    reading what is posted here. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
