Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thank you


Today, I just wanted to say thanks.

Last week, I was hesitant to share my fears and also my joys of being pregnant and all that comes along with that when it's attached to grief. But I don't know why I was so reluctant, because I was overwhelmed with the support of so many.

So I needed to take the time and share my appreciation for this community on Widow's Voice. I'm so thankful that I have a space filled with people from all different stops on their grief journey, but who all come together to support, encourage, and bring hope to one another. Whether I'm struggling through my grief, or sharing the often guilty joys that come in the aftermath of loss, I know there is someone out there connecting. Someone who needs to hear what I have to say, or someone who brings me hope. That's the magic of this place.

Thank you for allowing me to continue to share my journey with you all. Good & bad, I have a place here. That really means something.

You guys rock.


  1. We all have our journey, and coming here helps a lot. many, many read that don't respond. So this site reaches who hurt and try putting their lives back together - as stated longer ago --the new normal.
    Peace be with you.

  2. Ah, I missed this.
    What a thrill to read life begins again for you.
    So very happy for you both,

  3. Vee,
    Enjoy your pregnancy and the birth of your new baby. Don't allow others to still your joy. No one else can imagine the heart ache that we endure and the rebuildng of our lives.
    Thanks for sharing. Your good news brings joy to my heart.

    Maria O.
