Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Saturday, September 14, 2013

There's No Place Like Hope

I was spending my Friday evening perusing a used book store when my eyee were caught by this very catchy title.

Being an avid "Wizard of Oz" fan, the switch of HOME with HOPE struck such a chord with me.

Home, for me, has never equated to a physical structure, but rather a place to fully be me.

To be immersed by all that I love.

To let me hair down.

Dance around naked.

Talk out loud.

Find myself.




A breeding ground to create memories and share moments with those I care about.

A place of peace.




When thinking of all that I hope for, I saw that it literally embodied what "home" was/is.

Hope is nothing more than us trying to find our way back to all that we are when we find ourselves in a space/energy/place that embraces all that we are and all those that add color to our canvas....hope in disguise.

I have no freaking clue what that darn book is about that stirred this realization...But I sure as hell know that it made me realize that there really is nothing like hope.

Nothing like 'home'.

Nothing like remembering where the yellow brick road leads to and what that homecoming means to one's soul.

Sometimes we just need to click the heels of our hearts and mind together to remember where it is.

1 comment:

  1. Hope & Home:: or Home & Hope:: There is that connection of peace when I look at both together.
