Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Saturday, December 28, 2013


Today marks 8.
8 years since the most remarkable man chose me to spend the rest of his life with....and he did...if only for a year and a half in flesh.
I prepped the night before...jotting down what great deeds I would do, not only in commemoration of this special day, but the people and universe that surround and house the spirit and love that we share.
I awoke, opened my eyes to the sun shining through the blinds and said aloud "Happy Anniversary, my love...let's rock this!"
As I showered, Sam Cooke's "What a Wonderful World" played and I my heart filled with the mission at hand.
The mission to share a ounce..of the love...unconditional love...I had been shown during his time on earth.
This year was different, I wanted to spread kindness, but throw in bit of us...who we are...what we love.
I warmed up with a stop at Starbucks, buying giftcards for the two cars behind us and leaving a 300% tip to the warm smile that handed me the green tea latte.
I found joy in looking in the rear view mirror at the unsuspecting person that I hoped to share a bit of sunshine with.
Next, I stopped to get flowers, hoping that our favorite (tulips) would be available. We used them in my wedding bouquet and Michael loved surprising me with them on occasion.
With my heart open to whatever was available, I smiled to find red and white ones waiting.
I then googled "cemetery". It led me to a small back-country haven, in which I headed to the back corners.
Once there, my heart led me to one headstone, cracked in half due to time's grip. No longer bearing a name, all it shown was a poem that I have no doubt I was supposed to read:
This lovely bud so young and fair
Called hence by early doom
Just came to show how sweet a flower
In paradise could bloom.
I laid a bouquet of tulips, and offered it the attention I know a loved one past would have appreciated.
-3Next, I set forth to my favorite used bookstore.
At arrival, I headed to one of Micheal's favorite book series "The Dark Tower" by Stephen King. I found the oldest edition of the first book of the series and inserted enough for its next reader to buy the whole set. As I placed its message, I remembered the moments in bed where Michael would read aloud to me. My heart swelled knowing that that memory may be passed on to another lucky soul who falls in love with a Stephen King reader.
I headed out, also ensuring that the next two book lovers left with their books on us.
As I left, I bought a mildly inappropriate Christmas card (the best ones, in my opinion) and found a man who looked as if he deserved a laugh and kind deed.
I hope it made him smile.
My next stop led me to a random car, where I placed another bouquet on the windshield.
As I was plotting my next route, I was honored enough to see the elderly couple return to their car, find the flowers, sit in their car seats and simply inhale the flower's fragrance with a smile. It was one of the best moments.
Next, being a lover of the sweets :) I placed many a treats on many a cars:
One of my last stops was at a place that embodied so much of what we love...FILMS!
My dear friends know just how many 12 hour film marathons I've attended, and Michael knows just how many sofas we imprinted while watching our favorite foreign films.
I wanted to make sure other people could enjoy such a blissful aspect of our intertwined passions, so I headed over to the Alamo Drafthouse to buy multiple gift cards for the next groups to arrive.
The gentleman preparing the gift cards responded with " I thought all of humanity was lost...thank you."
I thanked him.
He was giving me much more than I was giving monetarily.
I entered my car, with my list of acts of kindness completed in hand, and smiled with the same joy I felt as if Michael was by my side.
I ended the evening with a dear friend, at a favorite restaurant, sharing some of my favorite memories of my journey with Michael. She surprised me with dessert, and I was humbled to know the staff felt honored to share in the celebration, as well.
I conclude this remarkable day with gratitude.
Gratitude for the messages sent. Love shared.
Gratitude for those that let me show and give them something they undoubtedly deserved.
Something that I believe to be the greatest resource our society has.
A resource the kindest being I knew shared with me to their last ounce.
Happy Anniversary, baby.
Thank you all.


  1. Thank you for sharing. I have been trying to practice random acts of kindness, but so appreciate the thought & love you put into your day of acts. What a wonderful way to honor your love.

  2. Thank you for reminding me of the love and kindness my husband showed the world when he was alive and that I can keep that kindness alive.

  3. What a beautiful way to honor your special day with your Michael. Thank you for the inspiration.

  4. Such wonderful inspiration - and a perfect way to honor the love you and Michael shared.

  5. What an absolutely BEAUTIFUL DAY you created! This brought me so many many smiles, you have no idea. It has been only a year and a half for me… and I have been striving to figure out what I will do when the two year mark hits. I have heard many who invite others to do random acts with them on this day… but i've yet to see a widow running around all over filling the day with kindness like a great big good fairy! This is right up my alley… thank you SO much for sharing this. It's such an important example to others. <3

  6. What a lovely tradition to start. I can see it made you smile, as well as all the recipients. Certainly better than focusing on the past, or what should have been. Be here now.

  7. what a wonderful way to spend this day! an inspiration!

  8. Wow. I loved reading this entry. Thank you for including all the pictures and information in this blog. And I'm thinking of you...

  9. Loved this! I am so inspired. Thank you for sharing all of the details!

  10. That was just fantastic!!!!

  11. Thank you all for your words!!

  12. - another widow, but older than all of you beautiful younger widows.
