Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Immunity, or lack thereof


I'm now in my death-march. 

February 22nd was the 2nd anniversary of the surgery that resulted in the complications that lead to Ian's death, and for me is the start of my 'bad period' in the year of some 4 months.

And yet again, I am sick.

My general immunity has been, quite frankly, crap since Ian got sick.  Anything that gets within striking range seems to take up residence in my system.  And since I have a child in childcare, I get exposed to just about everything going through town.

It took a really nasty dose of sinusitis and bronchitis hitting at the six month mark to realise the correlation between dates and illness. Strangely, my illnesses weren't hitting on the death date being the 14th of the month, but the 4th, our wedding anniversary. 

Sinus infections were/are my main signal. I went down with them again, and again and again.  Anything minor, even a simple cold, would convert.  Heck, a stubbed toe would seemingly convert to a sinus infection!   I have taken so many antibiotics in the last two years, I have developed a reaction to penicillin.

In the last year I've managed to knock back the frequency and severity of the infections with a combination of acupuncture and sinus surgery.  Within 24 hours of the surgery I felt physically well for the first time since Ian got sick, and have ticked along quite nicely since it was done in September. 

But with the death march, I've got one back. And am feeling more than a little blah physically. 

Emotionally, I feel all right. But I'm probably not since the physical's telling me otherwise. 


  1. My immunity has been terrible this year too. Sinus infections, cough that won't go away. Too many medicines. Stress has to come out somewhere. I guess that's how it is coming out with me. It has been a bad year with the children getting sick in my classroom too so I'm catching everything this year when I'm usually able to fend it off. I am recommitting to my clean diet, exercise, yoga, and meditation. Gotta take care of me! You too?

  2. Carolyn, I found that acupuncture worked really well for me. May not be for everyone, but definitely helped me.
