Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Saturday, February 8, 2014


I was having a farewell dinner this evening with a friend...which usually equates to sharing our thoughts on life and all that it teaches/has taught us thus far.

At one point during our conversation, he looked at me and said, "Taryn, there was a quote from a book that changed my life. I want to share it and I want you to absorb it."


That was the word floating into my head with such a preface!

"Ok." I responded, taking an exaggerated inhale as some sort of sign to show him I was prepared.

He opened his mouth and the words poured out:

"All that is not given is lost."

I repeated it aloud. I repeated it again.

I sat silently and dissected it in every which way.

It hit me. I dare not say in which way, as I think it's a line that will bring to the surface the things deep within ourselves that we may have lost....which will be different for each of us.

The things we have failed to give.

I know since Michael's death, there is much that I have given and much that I have received.

I also know that there have been parts of me that I have held so close that had/if I did/do not let go, I would never know all the true beauty still awaiting me.

I want to give.

Every aspect of every ounce of every part of myself.

I refuse to die with any lost part of my being.

I've lost too much to lose anymore by my own hand.

I want to give it my all in giving my all.

I owe it to myself.


  1. I love this, Taryn.
    And you, of course.

  2. I've come back to read this more than a few times. It's haunting me the way it's such a simple statement yet so profound.I can see how it can be life changing. Hoping it changes my life for the better! Thanks for sharing such a simple but important concept.

  3. Wow that's deep. I am practicing letting go and giving. I want to be open to give and receive love. I am able to do that when my heart is open as well as my hand.

    Maria O.
