Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The death march part 4: signs

Angel Danbo  by grizzlysghost
Angel Danbo by the immensely talented and all-round nice guy Aaron Aldrich

Here I am in the final week of the death march.  March 1 is racing towards me like a freight train. 
To be honest, it can't come soon enough so I can put it behind me and then maybe my subconscious won't feel the need to see 2am come in each day.

But 2am has seen me think about all the signs I have received .... some of them, even before March 1, 2010.  I am not going to list them here, but I will say that there have been so many, many specific instances of contact that I can not ignore them.
...and on talking to others, it seems I am not the only one who knows, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that they are here with us.

As many of you know, before I was a teacher, I was a scientist.
I have a PhD and a string of other qualifications. 
I am trained to be skeptical of anything that can't be backed up with hard data.
 ..... but at the same time, I am trained to entertain novel ideas and I am trained to understand that just because something can't be measured with current technology, it doesn't mean it isn't happening. 
But then again, I have always had a Bayesian weight-of-evidence view of science over and empirical one.

....and for me, for my own personal beliefs, the weight of evidence is overwhelming.  It may not be overwhelming enough to withstand peer review and publication, but then I don't really care how others view the eternal .

So as I sit here, writing the last of the death march posts, I remind myself of my own, hard-won knowledge that he never left me and is part of my life everday.


  1. I'm skeptical, non-flaky, super smart... blahblahblah. And you Know where I stand on this stuff. It's hubris to think we know everything. there is so much more to know, to learn, to sense.

  2. My husband had been dead for one year and I have not seen one, single, solitary sign that he is with me in any form whatsoever. Nevertheless, I'm glad that you conviction is helpful to you.

  3. It's been just over 3 months since Richard died and I have felt that he is sending me messages to confirm he is still around. However although I'm a spiritual person I still have a scientific mind, and my logical self does keep saying, maybe the instances are coincidence or relate to my need to feel them. But there are too many things that have happened for them all to be, or they have never happened before, and in my heart, it just feels right that its him. Also the messages I took to mean he was still whole in spirit and in a place of love have given me some desperately needed peace. So in the end I feel, what the hell, if they give comfort then that's a good thing. But boy do I so desperately want to believe they are real too. So thanks for talking about this Amanda, it's a controversial subject, but when people say they have had similar experiences, it helps you to believe what you feel too, and to hold onto that, so bless you!, from another Amanda X
