Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


I'm sitting here, drinking my morning coffee, and finally realised what day it is.

Well over 12 hours since my post was supposed to go live.

AND when I remembered this, I actually wasn't 100% sure if I had, or had not, done a post.  I had to check on the back end of the site.

When I went to bed last night, I'd felt like I had a productive day - started clearing in the garden to make a new veggie patch, got a ton of laundry folded and away, plus another load done, caught up on some reading, paid some bills. 

I also took my son to his first toddler circus skills class.

It's just my post that wasn't done yesterday - and honestly, it wasn't even on the radar.  Even though "Circus" is on "Tuesdays", I didn't even think about it.

For this reason, I hate public holidays and long weekends especially.

I struggle to remember what day it is at the best of times... public holidays make it that much worse.

But it's not the first thing I've completely forgotten in recent weeks.

I forgot to do an online test for school two weeks ago.

I hope there's not too much more to come...  These two forgotten things are pretty important.

Now I need to go and pay some attention to a clingy toddler who has been demanding attention by using me as a climbing frame as I write (ahhh peace; thank you Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom).

And write a to do list so I reduce the risk of forgetting anything else.


  1. No worries. It's happened to the best of us.
    Probably more than once.
    We widowed people are a forgiving lot.

  2. I'd say forget about it, Hope that made you smile. Seriously though, you are totally not the only one to forget what day it is. I'm really good at that. I'm trying to get into the habit of checking my phone for the day when I get up, but sometimes I forget. I'd blame "widow brain" if I hadn't been forgetful before too. I'm an Aquarius, it's to be expected :) Don't sweat the small stuff.

  3. Forget. We all forget. Had a doctor's appt. 4/23. Got there and read the board showing which doctors were on time. It had Wednesday as a heading. I thought they forgot to change the's Thursday. Went to check in and said what day is it. The receptionist said it was Wednesday. I probably had a confused expression on my face as I said oh I had an appt. Thursday and my mouth dropped open. Then realized it was Weds. as she checked the schedule and confirmed I was there on the right day. And yes I am Aquarius and never realized that was a trait.
