Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Simple Words~

I don't really have any words this week.

I miss my husband more than any words can convey.

The more time passes, the more months go by, the more deeply embedded his absence from my life becomes.

If I were to write a full blog this week, it would consist of I miss you, I miss you, I miss you over and over and over again.

It would be written to my husband and the page would be nothing but a smear for all of the tears that would slip from my heart onto that page.

No matter how far I travel, physically and emotionally, this will always be in my heart.

I miss you.


  1. Hugs to you Alison. Some days words don't do it - there is only pain. The only good thing is that it doesn't last forever.

  2. A nice looking couple.

  3. I am so sorry for your loss and wish we did not share this life experience of loss and widowhood. Sometimes there are no other words except 'I miss you'. Thank you

  4. share your pain and get what you mean deep in my heart!

  5. So many emotions come with this crappy hand we have been dealt. I find that the days where they all pour into the thought "I miss you", are the days where I am just spent. It's like I tore through anger and denial and rage and longing and sadness and that one simple sentence is all that is left. Take care of yourself today if possible. I wish you(and all of us) some peace.

    1. Amen and amen again to all of us finding a measure of peace~

  6. dear Alison,

    I am so sorry. I wish so much there was something I could say...but sometimes, there just isn't...except to say thank you for what you helps to know I am not alone.

    much love,

    Karen xoxo

    1. Karen,
      I think that's key-that none of us feel alone, because how much worse would it be if we were?

      Love to you over the miles~

  7. Hello, endearing photo and sentiment.. All I can say is I understand.. Allison in yr journey if u come to md, I can offer u hospitality..maybe go for dinner or lunch..I hope yr journey is going well..Gods speed..

    1. I'll keep that in mind, 1974-and thank you for the invitation. Its our community that keeps me going~

  8. I feel that same Goddamn pain too, and I hate it...I am sick of will be six years and I am feeling exactly what you just expressed...sickness, death and grief SUCKS...and that is that...I miss my love, I miss me, I miss my life...PERIOD!!! As time goes by we will probably get better at bearing the pain����

    1. Grace,
      I so much hope that yes, time will ease it. God knows I'm doing all that I can think of to work it through~

      ps-see you in a few months in Texas~

  9. Alison, My name is Almarie and I live in Petra Jordan with my husband and we have twins age three a boy and a girl. I am reading your post of your journey and my heart goes out to you. I feel your story would make a wonderful book or movie and I feel your journey could help others and your writing is so detailed I feel like I know you and I wish you were my neighbor....I am inviting you to come and see Petra Jordan and bring your daughter or any one you would like to travel with and be a guest in our home. We live right in front of Petra Park one of the seven wonders of the world. I am a stranger but I want to show you something BEAUTIFUL...PETRA... My home is nice and please feel free to come and relax both your body and your mind and make some more new friends. Hotels are so expensive here and my home is free to you just think about a real journey to build some beautiful new memories. I send you LOVE...I am on Facebook under Almarie Calvert....

    1. Almarie,
      What a lovely invitation, straight from the heart! I'll have to look up Petra and find out about it-it sounds beautiful. There is a book just waiting to be written-its more about finding the time and a place where I can write without distractions and I know it will happen when the time is right.

      Thank you so much for reaching out to me and brightening my day-such love keeps me going~

  10. Hello Alison, My Name is Almarie Calvert. I live in Petra Jordan . I am an American that lived most of my life in Kentucky until I moved here over a decade ago. I am reading of your journey and look forward to every post .I would like to invite you to visit me in Petra and stay in our home so your journey may expand across the globe. My home is right in front of Petra Park one of the seven wonders of the world. I have a kind and wonderful husband and we have a young set of twins. My other children are young adults not living in Petra.I feel that you are on a beautiful journey that is also difficult and would like nothing but to show you this beautiful city and become friends. Hotels are so expensive here and my home is open to you for free just be our guest and bring a friend or your daughter what ever works out with your program. Have some coffee on top of a beautiful mountain or stand in front of the ancient city and shre the experience with some one you love like your daughter or a friend. I want nothing I just want you to heal...You are so admired
