Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Saturday, February 21, 2015

An Invisible Audience

I'm feeling very flat tonight.  It's been a long day.  My office was closed due to bad weather and while, at first, I was excited at the thought of spending a day at home with no agenda, it has dragged and the quiet stillness has started to seep in under my skin.

It's a strange feeling to go to bed at night realising you haven't spoken a single word all day.  It happens to me often.  I've had a few text messages from friends and family checking in but there's been no human contact, no physical energy in the room to stir with mine and remind me that I'm not alone.

The quiet generally doesn't bother me.  I'm an introvert and a homebody, comfortable in my own company.  I usually not only relish time on my own, I need it to recharge.  But today, the quietness felt heavy.  And I've sat down at my laptop tonight to write this entry for Widow's Voice thinking, as I do often, what on earth do I have to say today that anyone will find interesting.  Let alone helpful. It's an incredible honour to write for this website and not a responsibility that I take lightly, however sometimes that sense of duty can feel almost intimidating.

Am I being honest and raw enough?  On the days that I'm feeling positive and upbeat, will I alienate the readers who find my outlook irritating or unrealistic?  If I tell a personal anecdote am I comfortable sharing a part of my life that is very private, or will I feel ok if someone in my real life stumbles upon it and possibly reads something that upsets them?  Incase you haven't worked it out by now, I can be an over-thinker and quite hard on myself!

However this week I received an email from someone I met at Camp Widow in Tampa who also lost her husband to depression, only a few months ago.  Her kind words meant more than she could know.

She wrote, among other things, that she had spent a lot of time over the weekend reading my blog posts and Facebook fee, soaking up some of my stories about Dan and everything I had experienced since he died. She told me that it had been helpful for her to hear from other widows and said, "I appreciate your example and your grace and your honesty."

It is messages like this that make the scariness of sharing your personal thoughts with the internet worth it.  Every time, over the post 19 months, that I've posted a sad, grief-related post on my Facebook, talking about how much I miss Dan or describing the extreme agony in my heart, I've instantly felt that fear and vulnerability that comes with opening yourself up to judgement.  

Our culture is such that people aren't comfortable talking about death.  They're sure as hell not comfortable talking about suicide.  And this is precisely why I've felt the need, since Dan died, to talk about it.  As soon as the police told me how he'd died I thought 'oh no, he's going to be judged.  I'm going to be judged.  People are going to  make assumptions about our relationship or his character...' and then I realised how unfair and WRONG that was.  

I mean, of course I knew that Dan's death was caused by a disease - not a character flaw or because of any unhappiness he felt with his life.  So I was determined to help others understand that too. 

The same goes for grief.  Before Dan died the only widow I knew was my then-90-year-old grandmother (who lost her husband at 49).  I had seen friends mourn parents who had been taking too soon by cancer but I didn't have any understanding of how that actually felt.  Let alone, the loss of a spouse.  So I spoke about my feelings.  I wanted people to grasp what was happening to me.  

Maybe, so they'd be a bit gentle and avoid any unrealistic expectations about this being a 'phase' that I would go through.  Maybe because I wanted them to appreciate their own partners and their own good health.  Most likely, it was a form of therapy for me.  I needed to purge the pain and get it out of my head.  

Writing has helped me cope with, and process, my loss.  But I share it with others because I hope to help someone else the way the Widow's Voice writers coaxed me through each day of my own pain, when I become a widow.  

On the days that I post and there are no comments, it's easy to wonder if I'm missing the mark.  If I'm writing such nonsense that no one was able to relate.  Then, there are days where someone tells me that I've made a difference to them.  And that one message makes it all worth while.  So thank you to those of you who reach back.  It really does keep us going.


  1. I love this, Rebecca, it resonates with me, too. I always wonder if I am reaching people and I worry if my posts are real and true and if they reveal too much. It bothers me when I don't get responses. I used to think it was about ego but I don't think it is only that. I think that I want to be heard, and I want to be of service. I read your posts every week and I get a lot out of them, though I don't always post. Your situation and circumstances are unique and you bring honesty and depth to your experience of it and you make it real, for us, on the page. Thank you for sharing your deepest self.

  2. I may not always post a comment but I have come to rely on reading the daily posts every morning. I think that all of you need to know how helpful you are to so many others. Even though you may sometimes feel as if you are not heard, please know that your writing here every week is invaluable.

  3. "Coax me through each day of my own pain" - yes, that it exactly what this blog is doing for me. Every single post by every one of you says something directly to me, and sometimes it feels like you're all in my head describing my experience. I know several other people who read the blog daily and it's a resource that is recommended in the grief group I attended. Your contributions here are an invaluable resource and I thank you for that.

    1. Thank you Diane, it's helpful to be reminded that there are people reading to relate. I'm glad our writing helps you so much x

  4. Hi Rebecca
    I also don't comment much, but look forward every day to you and the other writers thoughts and experiences. It helps me to understand and articulate what I'm going through.

  5. dear Rebecca,

    every one of your posts makes a difference and I feel very badly that although I have made my stock in trade as a commenter (my google handle tc comments - the tc stand for " the commenter", I have been so knocked down and bereft with 24/7 tsunamis of grieving, I sometimes can't make myself feel cogent enough to write a response. I have "gone quiet" and am hearing from many of my bloggy friends wondering where I am - in the myeloma and breast cancer and uterine cancer blogospheres.

    I want you to know that I am re-doubling my efforts, that I see that returning to comment on other's writing as you/they pour their hearts out is making me more aware that commenting helps take me out of myself, away from the self-centricity grief and loss can impose. thank you for helping me come to that awareness. you matter greatly, your words matter greatly, and you have helped me in ways in which I can never thank you enough.

    sending you lots of warm and gentle hugs...

    with much love and gratitude,


    1. Karen you are so kind. Your comments are always so supportive and uplifting. I know how the grief tsunami can knock us off course, so please don't put pressure on yourself to do more than you are able or want to. It's ok (and important!) to take time out for you. Thank you for reaching out, sending much love back xo

  6. I admit to being a reader and not posting; even worse sometimes I read days at a time, and my heart rejoices some days that my experiences are the same as others; and other days I can't wipe the tears away fast enough to continue reading. Thank you for your honesty. My husband died 4 years 3 months ago and some days I also am startled to realize at the end of the day I didn't talk to anyone; many days my phone doesn't ring and the loneliness is still more than I can bear. But thank you…we do hear you and cry and laugh with you.

    1. Thank you Kim, it helps to know we're all in this together x

  7. I so get this, Rebecca. There are times I wonder, is there anybody out there? But, I know, there is. Then I also over think - am I fearful of being judged for a good day? For a sad one? Yes. Maybe that's just part of it - in the end I always just say oh well here goes and click on that "publish" button and send it out into the ether. In the end, I know we are all out here - even if we don't all comment every time, we are here. I read every single post and can't imagine a time in my life when I wouldn't. I look forward to it every morning. And appreciate all the stories, moments shared, lives lived and struggles laid bare. xoxo

    1. Thank you Stephanie. Clicking that 'publish' button can be such a leap of faith :)

  8. I read every morning when I get up as well. I read it on my phone before I even get out of bed. It has helped me face my day to feel like others are doing it too, even though of course I wish none of us had to. Sometimes I comment. Sometimes a post resonates so much I can't even form the thought to comment. Sometimes I say to myself I will go back and comment and then life and widow brain prevail and it doesn't happen. But I appreciate every one of you. I have gone and read archives of people that don't write anymore. This blog and you writers have helped me so much. We all don't have the same circumstances but I relate to all of you. Thank you for taking the time to hold out a hand for the rest of us who are struggling when you yourselves have your own struggles.

    1. Thank you JSP. I read it in bed too, last thing before I go to sleep at night :)

  9. Trust me, we're here and grateful for all the writers' taking the time to put on the Internet what many of us feel. I don't comment all the time (because sometimes I feel the words won't come out correctly) but do know that your posts resonate with folks more often than not.
    Again, thank you all so much for your insight and sharing. Peace and blessings to all. --Marissa

  10. I too read every day but don't always comment. I love your writing and everyone on WV. I am (luckily) not a widow, but the best friend of one and I appreciate all the ways I read about so that I can help her.
