Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

This Point~

I reached a point in these last few days.

I need to stop looking (albeit unconsciously) for this sharp cutting edge of grief in my body to stop.  I need to stop looking for that elusive something that will take it away.  Cut it away as carefully as a surgeon's knife, leaving my body and heart as intact as it was for my 24 years with him.  There wouldn't even be any scarring because that then, in those old days that seem like another century and time, was the real, whole, me.

But, of course, the only thing that will remove it is if my beloved husband returns, and we all know he ain't gonna do that.  Which is unimaginable to me and probably always will be,but it's the ugly truth.

Our culture...many cultures, I suspect, are unforgiving of grief.  A certain, quantifiable time is allotted but then there's just that feeling in the air that society at large is whispering behind their hands oh she's depressed all she talks about is her husband she's always sad why doesn't she appreciate life. 

I'm tired of not allowing the totality of my grief to be present;  truly, it's exhausting to not show the depths of it.  I'm tired of continually striving to push my way through it.  Tired of holding myself together when, honestly, you know what I want to do?  I want to tear at my clothes, pull at my own hair, curl in a ball on the floor and become the pain that I am.  Allow myself to sob and grieve and shriek my madness at the Universe and dissolve into its' stars and the moon and the dark nothingness of what is too huge for my feeble human mind to grasp.

Where is he?  Why is he gone?  What happened to my life?  Where is the part of my soul that mattered most to me?  How the holy fuck hell am I supposed to care about life without him?  How do I do this?  How do I not die from the loneliness of my soul?  How can I live for god knows how many years of my life with this fucking meat-cutter in my chest?  How, how, how, how? 

This man....this man who was my husband, was the keeper of my heart.  I mattered to him more than anyone else in his life and the gone-ness of that knowing has left me dislocated and lacking any sense of direction.

I talk to people throughout my day, like everyone else, as life goes on, but the words in my mind are much different than the words on my lips.  What I'm really saying is I miss you I miss you i miss you I Miss you I miSS You I miss infinitum...


  1. Alison, you've so accurately spoken for me too. You've expressed the constant pain that lives within me. It's exhausting to smile and act normal when I'm among others all the while I'm crying inside and begging my husband to come back to me. We were soul mates and now I'm adrift in a world that he's not in. Now what?

  2. sooooooooo me!!!!!!!!! WHY CAN'T WE TALK ABOUT OUR HUSBANDS? They were our LIVES ~ #missing40+years

  3. absolutely!!! for 42 years.... I'm floundering...

  4. Miss my person too...from the moment I wake up, all throughout the day, to the moment when the day ends. That aloneness hangs over my whole day, even if I am in the midst of people. Couldn't count the times I've said "I miss you, babe", my new mantra. Just hate this way of life.

  5. At 28 months after spending 35 years with my love… you said Alison "I mattered to him more than anyone else in his life and the gone-ness of that knowing has left me dislocated and lacking any sense of direction.".

    I have done the opposite though. I have allowed the totality of my grief. Once I extricated myself from my job after the first six months I was free to feel and say it all. And I have, at anything and everybody. Doesn't make a difference. What it has done is make me a decrepit old woman (at 63) who has now at this point has determined one thing.

    …That I am numb to the outside world. Completely and totally. Nothing could make any difference in my life now other than my own death which I wish for fervently. Only in the last month am I not having nuke meltdowns once a day and once in a while I will get a full day now of no crying…..but the weight, oh, the weight is still all there. And when I do explode now it is the most pitiful of scenes.

    Sleeping has become an extremely erratic, uncomfortable exercise resulting in eyes that are dark pockets and they hurt to open. Other physical symptoms now are coming on. Pushing myself to exhaustion so I can collapse. Its the only way I know how now. I refuse to live any length of time if I can hasten it any way other than outright departure. I won't be one of those women who find a "new normal". Good for those who do but it won't be me. I hate this life and everything in it. Sorry but it's the raging truth and that's all I've got left. And you know what is weird? Most people would think I've gotten better…….

  6. I mmiss you I miss you I miss you. All day everyday. With the hole in my chest feeling the heart beat of half a heart.

  7. Yes, yes, yes,,,, Maybe one reason I am "reclusive".

  8. Oh my word, people who feel like me, I am not alone, everybody is trying to make me carry on, I don't want to.
