Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation

Sunday, September 30, 2012

His story is coming to a end, I promise!

After my husband's suicide attempt, my husband was scared.
The experience he had with his attempt, shock him to his core.
His attempt really scared him.
And made him really take a hard look at his mental state.

He started trying really hard to get a handle on his bipolar.
He tried a lot of medications.
Did personal counseling.

For the first time, he took it seriously.

But it didn't last.
The medication were always a short term fixed.
Then they stopped working.

A month later, May 2009, Seth tried to take his life again.

Below is Seth's writings about his experience.
   I was out of the hospital for a while and working when I just totally lost it again. I was up in the air about 28 feet working on a phone/cable line and started crying and wrapped my safety harness around my neck then hung myself for about 5 minutes. The problem with hanging is it takes too long. I decided to come down from the telephone pole and called Melinda and told her I needed to go back to the hospital. I did a self commitment to the mental ward at Uof U and stayed there 2 weeks this time. 

I promise, I am almost to the end of Seth's story.
Then my widow story begins.
Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. How tragic for both of you.
    Thank you for giving voice to those who are mentally ill. It is so poorly understood
    We all become widowed unique to our own lives and some more unique than others.
    I think your perspective is an important one.
    Thank you for sharing.
