Hello Everyone,
I want you to know that I am thrilled by the way this blog has evolved. We have some amazing women, sharing their real life journey through loss with honestly, and courage. Thank you for your many comments, and for sharing your widow journey with us. I just discovered that YOU can nominate your favorite blogger or post or blog to our advertising network! So, follow this link to share your thoughts. And thanks for walking this journey with us.
Hello, My name is Dora Gonzalez. I married my husband when I was 15 yrs old. We were married for 35 yrs before he passed and I found him lying on the living rm floor. We were not just husband and wife. We were truely one in every sense of the word. We could speak to each other with our eyes from across the room. We have 5 wonderful children, 16 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild dued in december. I love our children but they all live out of town or out of state. Plus I don't really want to be around them to much because they crowd me. They worry about me too much. I should be grateful that we raised beautiful kids but all I see in them is thier father. I know its selfish but it hurts so bad I can hardly breathe. I feel that noone truely understands what i'm going through because they still have thier husbands. I'm tired of the politeness of half of them and tired of the other half saying it's okay and it' time to move on. WHAT? So I am grateful that I acciedently found this website. Bless Michelle for starting it.