Thursday, April 21, 2011

not me.

after all that's

been happening

the last week,

i'm pretty sick

of talking about myself,

so here's life

as viewed through

someone else's eyes.

(i'm pretty proud of her).


  1. Well done, Brooke! You are an amazing woman! I know that your words will help many people out there, women and men. I'm going to print your article and hopefully one day will get to give it to someone to read, who's trying to figure out he fits into our family. Your story is inspiring and gives me hope for the future.

    By the way Matt, I loved your book. I sobbed my way through much of it as I felt your pain and saw so many parallels between our stories. So thanks for that :) But seriously, it's amazing how, though we're all so different, so many of our reactions and thoughts are so similar. Grief is the great unifier.

    Thanks for the inspiration Brooke and Matt!!

  2. This is so beautiful. Loved your book and loved Brooke's interview (it made me cry). Thank you for sharing.

  3. It was really strange (but nice) to read what Brooke had to say. I have been in a similar situation for over 10 years. My 16 year old stepdaughter calls me Beaner, we all talk about her mom frequently, and I am accepted by her mom's family. I experienced so much of what Brooke described, it's crazy. You guys are doing so awesome.

  4. I am reading widows' voice and cannot see a way to tap into the article..

  5. I can't seem to see anything but Matt's few short lines. How do we see what Brooke wrote? thanks1

  6. We've highlighted the link in red to make for easier viewing! Thanks for asking!

  7. Matt, I've just finished reading your outstanding book and just now read the interview with Brooke. I am delighted to learn about your new love. You and Maddy deserve every bit of happiness. You certainly have a gift for attracting earthly angels into your life, which says a lot about the sort of person you are! I simply loved your book, mostly because your voice is so authentic, so real, and so masculine, and I think it gives permission to all those "real men" out there who are grieving to acknowledge and feel their feelings. I've added it to my Web site's list of books I've read and personally recommend, and I will do everything I can to get it into the hands of my clients and colleagues. Thank you so very much for sharing your story so honestly with all of us.
