Monday, October 25, 2010

Full Circle

December 30th 2008 - Day 365

I have been feeling kind of lost lately. I'm a bit unsure about a lot of things. For one, I have been renting a house for the past few months while I sell off my house in San Francisco, which has provided the kids and I a temporary home while we get settled into San Diego. As of today, I no longer own a house. Yes, my house sold, which is good, but it also comes with mixed emotions. I lived in that house for 17 years. It is the house where the kids and I have many happy memories, and also some sad ones, such as Michael dying. I suppose the latter is not strictly a sad memory, as it was also a beautiful experience providing Michael all the comforts of dying in our own home, and in our own bedroom. Yet even with all these positives, it was time to move on.

Ever since Michael died I have had an urgent need to leave my home, and start over somewhere new. I know that it goes against conventional wisdom to make such a big move, such as leaving your job, home, city and friends, during the first year of grief. But I knew it was a good move for me. By the time the first year anniversary of his death came around, I was already in a new environment, which helped me get through that terribly rough time. I think it would have been even more difficult for me if I was still in our home at the time. Maybe this wouldn't be helpful for most, but for me it was exactly what I needed.

Last week was the second anniversary of our wedding. It wasn't the first time for this occasion to come around without him, as he had already died when our first anniversary came around. One of the things that came about with our first year anniversary was my decision to begin blogging about my grief journey. The experience of writing about my process on a daily basis was quite cathartic for me. There were definitely some very dark days, days in which I didn't think I was going to make it. But here I am, full circle, one year later, and I have survived.

I think about where I will be by next year, and I kind of come up empty. Not that I don't have expectations, more that I don't really know what I want, or what I can expect. All I do know is that after coming full circle this time around, I can honestly say that life is getting easier, if not better. I now have the benefit of looking back, and clearly identifying the many changes and milestones that I have successfully grown through. This is my history, and if history repeats itself, then I can expect this next year to get even better.


  1. You know it is funny that your write this post today. This weekend my daughters and I went to get pumkins for Halloween, something my husband loved to do. Last year, it was kind of a sad event without him. This year was different- we actually had fun picking them out and going through the maze and taking pictures. I thought about why. IT was the second year- a new history of our lives had been made. I thought we will always miss him, but it will get better and easier! It was a moment of hope for me. I will not always feel such hurt on these days.

  2. I lost my husband one year ago, Friday. So I too, have made it through the first year and have survived. I still have many painful times and tears come often, yet I am excited by the possibilities this new life offers for myself and my kids. In fact we are leaving in a few days for Zambia, Africa for three months. A year ago, I did not think that would be possible. Never underestimate a widow's might.
